If I let you go
Night after night
I hear myself sayin'
Why can't this feeling just fade away?
There's no one like you
You speak to my heart
It's such a shame we're worlds apart
I'm too shuy to ask
I'm too proud to lose
But sooner or later I gotta choose
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out
I hear myself sayin'
Why can't this feeling just fade away?
There's no one like you
You speak to my heart
It's such a shame we're worlds apart
I'm too shuy to ask
I'm too proud to lose
But sooner or later I gotta choose
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out
Postat av: Sara
Säljes! Aldrig använd, helt nyinköpt pälsjacka som är helt rätt i höst/vinter! Superfin är den och dessutom säljer jag den till ett riktigt fyndpris.. Intresserad? Gå in på bloggen och visa intresse genom kommentar!
Postat av: inblicken
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